2345首页 » 动物百科 » Nesticus cellulanus

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名字:Nesticus cellulanus
学名:Nesticus cellulanus
维基百科 Nesticus is a scaffold web spiders genus in the family Nesticidae found in America and Eurasia. Species[edit] Nesticus abukumanus Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus afghanus Roewer, 1962 — Afghanistan Nesticus akamai Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus akiensis Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus akiyoshiensis (Uyemura, 1941) — Japan Nesticus akiyoshiensis ofuku Yaginuma, 1977 — Japan Nesticus ambiguus Denis, 1950 — Tanzania Nesticus anagamianus Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan Nesticus antillanus Bryant, 1940 — Cuba Nesticus archeri Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus arenstorffi Kulczynski, 1914 — Bosnia-Hercegovina Nesticus arganoi Brignoli, 1972 — Mexico Nesticus asuwanus Nishikawa, 1986 — Japan Nesticus baeticus Lopez-Pancorbo & Ribera, 2011 — Spain[1] Nesticus balacescui Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus barri Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus barrowsi Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus beroni Deltshev, 1977 — Bulgaria Nesticus beshkovi Deltshev, 1979 — Crete Nesticus bishopi Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus brasiliensis Brignoli, 1979 — Brazil Nesticus breviscapus Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus brignolii Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina Nesticus brimleyi Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus bungonus Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus calilegua Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil, Argentina Nesticus campus Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico Nesticus carolinensis (Bishop, 1950) — USA Nesticus carpaticus Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus carteri Emerton, 1875 — USA Nesticus caverna Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico Nesticus cellulanus (Clerck, 1757) — Holarctic Nesticus cellulanus affinis Kulczynski, 1894 — Hungary Nesticus cernensis Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus chikunii Yaginuma, 1980 — Japan Nesticus citrinus (Taczanowski, 1874) — Guyana Nesticus concolor Roewer, 1962 — Afghanistan Nesticus constantinescui Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus cooperi Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus coreanus Paik & Namkung, 1969 — Korea Nesticus crosbyi Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus delfini (Simon, 1904) — Chile Nesticus diaconui Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus dilutus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus echigonus Yaginuma, 1986 — Japan Nesticus eremita Simon, 1879 — Europe Nesticus fagei Kratochvíl, 1933 — Italy, Montenegro Nesticus flavidus Paik, 1978 — Korea Nesticus furenensis Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus furtivus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus georgia Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus gertschi Coyle & McGarity, 1992 — USA Nesticus globosus Liu & Li, 2013 - China[2] Nesticus gondai Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus gujoensis Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus henderickxi Bosselaers, 1998 — Crete Nesticus higoensis Yaginuma, 1977 — Japan Nesticus hoffmanni Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico Nesticus holsingeri Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus idriacus Roewer, 1931 — Austria, Italy Nesticus inconcinnus Simon, 1907 — S?o Tomé Nesticus ionescui Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus iriei Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus iwatensis Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus jamesoni Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico Nesticus jonesi Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus kaiensis Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus karyuensis Yaginuma, 1980 — Japan Nesticus kataokai Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus kunisakiensis Irie, 1999 — Japan Nesticus kuriko Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan Nesticus kyongkeomsanensis Namkung, 2002 — Korea Nesticus latiscapus Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan Nesticus latiscapus kosodensis Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan Nesticus libo Chen & Zhu, 2005 — China Nesticus lindbergi Roewer, 1962 — Afghanistan Nesticus longiscapus Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan Nesticus longiscapus awa Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan Nesticus longiscapus draco Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan Nesticus longiscapus kiuchii Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan Nesticus luquei Ribera & Guerao, 1995 — Spain Nesticus lusitanicus Fage, 1931 — Portugal Nesticus maculatus Bryant, 1948 — Hispaniola Nesticus masudai Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus mikawanus Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus mimus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus monticola Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus morisii Brignoli, 1975 — Italy Nesticus murgis Ribera & De Mas, 2003 — Spain Nesticus nahuanus Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico Nesticus nasicus Coyle & McGarity, 1992 — USA Nesticus navicellatus Liu & Li, 2013 - China[2] Nesticus nishikawai Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus noroensis Mashibara, 1993 — Japan Nesticus obcaecatus Simon, 1907 — Spain Nesticus orghidani Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus paynei Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus pecki Hedin & Dellinger, 2005 — USA Nesticus plesai Dumitrescu, 1980 — Romania Nesticus potreiro Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil Nesticus potterius (Chamberlin, 1933) — USA Nesticus rainesi Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico Nesticus rakanus Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan Nesticus ramirezi Ott & Lise, 2002 — Argentina Nesticus reclusus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus reddelli Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico Nesticus sbordonii Brignoli, 1979 — Italy Nesticus secretus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus sedatus Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico Nesticus sheari Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus shinkaii Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus shureiensis Yaginuma, 1980 — Japan Nesticus silvanus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus silvestrii Fage, 1929 — USA Nesticus sodanus Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus sonei Yaginuma, 1981 — Japan Nesticus speluncarum Pavesi, 1873 — Southern Europe Nesticus stupkai Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus stygius Gertsch, 1984 — USA Nesticus suzuka Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus taim Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil Nesticus takachiho Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus tarumii Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus tennesseensis (Petrunkevitch, 1925) — USA Nesticus tosa Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan Nesticus tosa iwaya Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan Nesticus tosa niyodo Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan Nesticus uenoi Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan Nesticus unicolor Simon, 1895 — Venezuela Nesticus vazquezae Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico Nesticus wiehlei Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania Nesticus yaginumai Irie, 1987 — Japan Nesticus yamagatensis Yoshida, 1989 — Japan Nesticus yamato Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus yesoensis Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan Nesticus zenjoensis Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan